Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pottery studio en miniature

Leaning back... all done ...  :-)

For my pottery wheel...
...I used what I could lay my hands on..
making the guiding rings on the wheel itself was a bit challenging..
Every potter needs a kiln...

And every potter needs tools - no matter how fiddly they are to make...
I rummaged through electronical waste box for the some of the metal parts

Bad NEWS though: for one or the other reason my blog links, etc. have disappeared! 
I am not amused... to say the least..
But I heard that this has happened to other bloggers as well, recently.
I am in the process of getting the links in again, please let me know if your blog is not listed.
AND: if anyone knows how to get the previews to these links in - please help!
Many thanks...

1 comment:

  1. Die Töpferei im Miniaturformat ist sehr schön geworden - ganz aussergewöhnlich.
